By NewsWatch Staff Writer
The Parliamentary Network for Circular Economy, (PANCEC) is now set to begin an aggressive industrialisation process of the country following the adoption of its 2020 plan of action. The said plan of action was adopted during the Annual General Assembly of the organisation in Yaounde Conference Centre on Wednesday November 4.
“We are going on an aggressive industrialisation process in this country. Circular economy will transform Cameroon like it has done for China,” said Hon Ngala Gerard, president of PANCEC.

“We want to create industries at the level of all councils so that they can be financially autonomous,” the CPDM MP for Donga Mantung Central; Nkambe said further of the way forward after the adoption of the action plan.
Besides making local collectivities financially autonomous, Hon Ngala said the drive will help in wealth generation, jobs creation and development in municipalities.
The 2020 action plan of the young, yet vibrant parliamentary network, the president elucidated, focuses on rallying stakeholders nationwide, creating win-win partnerships with most of them and explaining the importance of recycling their waste for the benefit of all as well as engaging them into training workshops that would give them insights on how they can contribute to the emergence of the country through circular economy.
Additionally, the network intents to sensitise the public on importance of recycling waste, help councils to encourage waste collection, clear streets of waste, associate national and international partners in the advocacy and bring on board resource persons, organisations and international partners.
Accompanying the government
Hon Ngala said his parliamentary network will accompany government institutions in policy formulation and implementation and counsel other stakeholders on the need for the respect of national and international regulations regarding the production, importation and commercialisation of non-biodegradable plastic bags, management of pharmaceutical waste and conditions fixing environmental permits on waste management.
Making allusion to recent floods in the economic first city of Douala, the PANCEC president said such occurrences are orchestrated by humans who disregard rules, consequently injuring the environment, exposing communities to pandemics as well as retarding the state’s ability to meet up with international commitments.
Speaking while presenting a paper on circular economy as pathway to sustainability in the decentralisation context of Cameroon, Achu Maxwell Ngu, PANCEC’s Consultant in charge of Cooperation said decentralisation is the platform on which circular economy thrives and ensures that councils collect their own waste and turn into wealth and green jobs and thereby boost their economy. He hammered on a 3-R concept; reduce, reuse and recycle which, according to him, relaxes pressure on products already in the environment by ensuring all economic operators become compliant to national legislation and those stratified by international conventions.